BBoulder Patent Offering

Publication Number Application Number Title Priority Date Filling Date Pub. Date Est. Exp. Date
US10448198 US16/142298 Systems, methods, and devices for presence identification 9/28/2017 9/26/2018 10/15/2019 9/26/2038
US10595158 US16/600674 Systems, methods, and devices for presence identification 9/28/2017 10/14/2019 3/17/2020 9/26/2038
US20200221253 US16/819852 Systems, methods, and devices for presence identification 9/28/2017 3/16/2020 7/9/2020 9/26/2038

Relevant Excerpts from Patent Specification:

“In the presently disclosed presence-identification device, system, and methods, by virtue of the fact that a device is connected to the presence-identification device (i.e., a near-range Wi-Fi access point of a certain brick and mortar entity it is determined that a customer is physically present at the brick and mortar entity's physical site. Accordingly, targeted content can be delivered to the onsite customer's mobile device while they are physically onsite and most likely to take advantage of product and/or service offers.”

“The targeted information may include a coupon, an advertisement associated with the business entity, and/or user specific check-in information. The targeted information may also include a one-click check-in button.”

“The computing devices 110 may be any network-enabled mobile device, such as, but not limited to, a laptop computer, a tablet device, a personal digital assistant (PDA) device, a mobile phone or smartphone, and the like.”

General Process Flow

When a brick and mortar business receives an ID (e.g. a MAC address) from a nearby customer / client / patron, custom information (e.g. promotional or appointment options) can be delivered to the homescreen of that nearby customer / client / patron’s mobile device (via their MAC address) after a using a look-up table within a CRM system.